These are kind of locking device used as key-less shaft
coupling. They are assembled to transmission components like gears, pulleys,
timing pulley, as bushes etc. generally, where no play is must for the
transmission between shaft and transmission element. The main applications of
these are in CNC machines, which are very precise. Today, because of intense
pressure to maximize uptime, precision, and efficiency while minimizing
material, machining, and operating costs, key-less frictional locking devices
are the hot trend. The basic idea is similar to a clamp coupling but the moment
of rotation is closer to the centre of the shaft. In traditional keys, there
were possibilities of worn out, which are removed by using these coupling
devices. It is more robust than using a key because maintenance only requires
one tool and the self-centering balanced rotation means it lasts longer than a
keyed joint would, but the downside is that it costs more. Below, I have added some pictures of these,
used in timing pulleys, from which you can get an idea of how to assemble them.

So here, I have these 2 screws, which tight the lock using L key. There is also a long single screw, which is just right on the other-side of staring line opening, which is used to disassemble or take out the nut from timing pulley. These are available in the market in standard sizes at cheap prices.